The Auxiliary of Post 8896 Veterans of Foreign Wars was instituted at a meeting held in the Post Home on March 9, 1949 with 28 charter members and a total membership at this time was 70.
The Auxiliary has been active in many pursuits through the years and continues to perform meritoriously assists in the following manner: They assist the Post with the Community Halloween and Member Christmas parties, and with services memorializing the war dead.
The Auxiliary continues to strive to keep uppermost in our thoughts and reflect in our actions our purpose "To Honor The Dead By Remembering The Living.” Some of the programs that the Auxiliary participate in are: Cancer projects, serving banquets and weddings, encouraging students at three area schools to participate in the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest, Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest, Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest, Labor Day Poster Contest and many more. They continue to remember why the Auxiliary exists and keep their goal at helping in as many service projects that the National and Department organization offers as well as local projects. The East Berlin VFW Auxiliary membership has grown from 70 members to 1200 in 77 years.
The VFW and it’s Auxiliary has received many awards and citations from District 21, the Department of Pennsylvania and the National Organization for their membership and community service efforts.
The VFW and it’s Auxiliary work side by side on many of the community service activities and organization programs offered. They are truly a team working to support our community, veterans and their families-past and present.
The delegates who attended the 116th National Convention held in Pittsburgh July 18-22, 2015, voted and passed By-Law amendments that transformed our national association known as the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars into the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. This will allow male spouses and male family members of all eligible service members to join the Auxiliary.